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New Book by Anand Krishna Released:
from Bali to Belo Horizonte - In Pursuit of the Indigeneous Wisdom
of Sundaland and South America to Save our Planet


The author of this book believes that we have much to learn from the ancient wisdom of so called indigenous peoples, who are often marginalized by civilized society and religious institutions. He takes you on a journey through time to meet with and learn from the Baduys of Sundaland in the Indonesian archipelago and the natives of South America.
Nature is not something that must be controlled by force and manipulated according to our needs. We must approach nature with love, compassion and understanding. We all are parts and parcels of the same Existence. It is only by living in harmony with nature, that we can save the world and ourselves.

Comment from Augusto César Soares dos Santos
Engenhiro Agrônomo, M. Sc. in Irrigation Engineering
Coordenador - RURALMINAS, Governo de Minas
Signatory - Brazil Indonesia Friendship Association

I enjoyed very much your speeches during the Earth Dialogues.
Now, that you have put them in a book, it allows me to have a complete understanding of your thoughts and feelings. You are a rare combination of true philosopher, gentleman and spiritual/environment activist. 
I congratulate you and agree with you that we must together and jointly respond to the environment and climate issues to save this planet.
It is an honor for me to be part of your book by writing these few lines.

For more information about this book please visit


The 14th Dalai Lama inaugurated the Buddha statue humbly offered by Anand Krishna in Sarnath, Varanasi, India 
The morning fog has not cleared away when at His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama inaugurated and blessed a 2.5m high Buddha statue humbly offered by Indonesian interfaith spiritualist Anand Krishna. Conducted at the Central Institue of Higher Tibetan Studies (Deemed University), Sarnath (Uttar Pradesh), India, the inauguration was covered by several Indian media, e.g. K TV, Z News, DD News and Hindustan Times. The Buddha statue is made of the same source materials used to build the 9th CE Borobudur Temple in Muntilan, Central Java, Indonesia, and was offered to reaffirm the spiritual and cultural ties between the peoples of Indonesia and Tibet, also to support His Holiness’ non-violent struggle to protect the cultural heritage of Tibet.
Community participates in discussion for south-south cooperation

The Earth Dialogues promoted on the afternoon of Thursday (27), debate on what kind of actions could be undertaken under the so-called South-South cooperation for sustainable development, involving the countries under development. The debate was mediated by Rafael Duarte Pinto, a professor of International Relations of the University Center of the Federal District (UniDF), Ian Hazelton, the Associated Pres and Clement Campbel, the Green Cross Australia.

Earth Dialogues 2008 Brazil gives birth to Minas Gerais Charter  

The three days Earth Dialogues 2008 closed yesterday in Belo Horizonte Brazil with the adoption of the "Minas Gerais Charter" prescribing targeted action plans to further sustainable development both in Brazil and globally. The Charter will be presented at the World Water Forum in Istanbul, from 16 to 22 March, 2009.